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“There is nothing comparable on the market for the price point when it comes to microbials.” For veteran barrel racer Jessica Harold, the proof of using microbial products goes beyond just the performance in the ring, helping her horse recover after a burn from a fire.

Harold has loved and worked with horses nearly her entire life. She showed in hunter under saddle and western pleasure classes starting at the tender age of six. Taking some time off to complete school and start her career, she found herself purchasing a young horse named Holly just a few short years later. Today, she serves as the New Hampshire National Barrel Horse Association State Director and actively competes.

As for Holly, she has done it all. She has shown in the English and Western Pleasure and has garnered a number of awards as a barrel racer, pole bending, and team penning. In 2018, Holly was diagnosed with PSSM, which causes muscle cramping in horses from high glycogen storage in their muscles. There is no cure.

“I decided when my mare got PSSM to find an equine nutritionist,” states Harold. “The nutritionist recommended these products to me. Soon after, I reached out to Bio-Vet to become a distributor.” She continues, “My customers have told me that when they take their horses off the products, they notice an immediate change and realize they have made a mistake.” The results speak for themselves.

“I have had a lot of people come to me and say their horses won’t gain weight. The horses will have a good diet but have ulcers, so they are not getting the nutrients they need. These horses end up on antibiotics for health issues, which is hard on their stomachs. I tell them they need to switch to Equine CPR™ because it won’t kill off the good bacteria in their stomach,” says Harold. Equine CPR™ features extra microbes for that extra boost when horses need it.

But for Jessica Harold, the results were life-changing for her gelding, Flynn. She acquired Flynn from a friend, and he had breathing issues. When she took him in, she changed his diet and got an allergy test done. Flynn is allergic to flaxseed. Harold was able to work with her nutritionist and use microbials to help him thrive. However, there is more to Flynn’s story.

Flynn was burned in a fire, a nightmare for any livestock owner. “I was told he would lose weight as he recovered since burns use an excess amount of protein during healing. I got him some Equine CPR™, and he never once had runny poop, and he never once went off feed.” Flynn is almost fully recovered and back to his loveable self.

And for Harold, it is more than just the Equine CPR™ that she has seen results. “I have people who like to use BIOSTART™ Paste when horses have to travel or before competing. I like using Equine Generator™ for year-long maintenance,” she says.

For Harold, being able to help people and horses alike is rewarding. “Most people find me by word of mouth. I talk to people almost every day because they can see how well it works for their horses,” she states. “I love Bio-Vet products. I love the company. They are so helpful.”

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